It sounds like being a Rep takes a lot of time.

Actually it doesn't take too much time, course reps commit themselves to only two meetings a term, which are each only about an hour long. The rest of their job is communicating with their coursemates to gain feedback, sometimes this is informal chatting, sometimes more formally through surveys or online polls. An hour a week is often more than enough to get a good idea of what your course mates really think.


are there many benefits?

You get to develop a lot of skills that make you ultra employable: communication skills, negotiation, collating information, identifying priorities, the list goes on. Not only does putting course rep on your CV look fantastic, but you also get to meet lots of interesting people on both a personal and professional level.

Additionally, Reps are offered training opportunities like a FREE 2 day MHFA England Mental Health First Aid Training course!


It sounds good, so how do I become a Rep?

There are typically two course reps for each year of study on every course at AUB, their cohort democratically elects them in elections held in October every year. If you are interested in becoming a course rep then keep an eye out on our Instagram or speak to your Course staff to register your interest.