Trustee board and financial reports


Trustee minutes

AUBSU is a Charity, and as part of Charity Law we must have a Trustee Board. The Trustee Board oversees the strategic development of the SU and its financial accounts. Below are minutes from our Trustee meetings so that all students can see how we've been spending our money, our plans for future expenditure and where we see the SU developing in terms of staff and services provided over the next few years. 

Trustee Board Minutes 12/07/2018
Trustee Board Minutes 17/05/2018
Trustee Board Minutes 15/03/2018
Trustee Board Minutes 18/01/2018
Trustee Board Minutes 02/11/2017

Trustee Board Minutes 22/05/2017
Trustee Board Minutes 28/03/2017
Trustee Board Minutes 17/01/2017
Trustee Board Minutes 25/10/2016



Charity Finance Reports for AUBSU 2017
Charity Finance Reports for AUBSU 2016
Charity Finance Reports for AUBSU 2015
Charity Finance Reports for AUBSU 2014


AUBSU & Trustees

Under the governing document of The Arts University Bournemouth Students’ Union, The Constitution, Trustees are the people who have overall responsibility oversight of The Arts University Bournemouth Students’ Union. The Students’ Union became a charity in its legal right in 2012, registering with the Charities Commission and moving away from the umbrella of the University in terms of its own status.  AUBSU has three external trustees, three student trustees and two Sabbatical Officer trustees, who are ex officio.

The objects as set out in the Constitution are the advancement of the education of students at The Arts University Bournemouth for the public benefit which include:

  1. Promoting the interests and welfare of students at AUB during their course of studies and representing , supporting and advising students;
  2. Being the recognised representative channel between students and AUB and any other external bodies; and
  3. Providing social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities and forums for discussion and debate for the personal development of its students.

General responsibilities of a Trustee include:

  • To ensure that The Arts University Bournemouth Students’ Union pursues its objects as defined in its governing document (e.g. the promotion of any charitable purpose for the benefit of the community in the district of Bournemouth and surrounding areas and in particular the advancement of education and the protection of health)
  • To maintain proper financial control and ensure that The Arts University Bournemouth Students’ Union applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects i.e. the charity must not spend money on activities that are not included in its objects, no matter how worthwhile or charitable those activities area
  • To maintain effective board performance and ensure the effective and efficient administration of the charity including funding, insurance and premises
  • To promote The Arts University Bournemouth Students’ Union


If you have any questions about AUBSU as a charity and the Board of Trustees, please email us at