AUBSU orders a lot of things, from flyers and posters to decorations and art materials and we're not always as conscious about where we get them from as we should be. It's tempting, with online shopping being made so easy, to order from further away and different stores to get the best deals. AUBSU is making note of our purchasing patterns and is looking to place larger multi-purpose orders rather than individual orders.
This year, we sourced all our decor materials from Dorset Scrap Store, so we're reusing materials that would have otherwise gone to waste.
(Unfortunately, we can't update our figures for 2019-2020 until we get back to the office so please bear with us on this!)
Tackling our procurement problem is the focus of AUBSU's Sustainability Challenge. AUBSU plans to make major changes to our purchasing and consumption processes over the next 2 years by auditing, reviewing and creating new practices. You can read more about it here.