AUBSU's STUDENT Opportunities

Here's A little guide to all the activities that you can get involved in as part of Level Up:
Exec Officer Roles
Each year, you elect a group of students to represent you - these are our Exec Officers. They make decisions for the union, develop new initiatives and lead on campaigns, events & activities.
Get involved: Keep an eye out for election time in March or by-elections in Sept/Oct and nominate yourself for a position. For more info, pop into the office and chat to our Democracy Coordinator, Bethan.
Course Reps act as the voice for all other students on their course. As a Course Rep you’ll feedback to your Course Leaders and Students' Union to help make active changes and improve the way your course operates.
Get involved: AUBSU will come and chat to your course about course-rep opportunities at the start of the year.
Club & Society Committees
Every club and society at AUBSU has a group of dedicated students running it. They lead on all the activities and events, thinking up loads of great ideas to put into action.
Get involved: During April, Clubs & Socs will be holding their annual general meetings where they'll elect their new committee members. Simply turn up to this meeting (all society members will be invited!) and run for a position. Alternatively, if you start a new Club/Soc then you'll automatically be in the committee. Pick up a new club/soc proposal form from AUBSU, fill it in and return.
Sport Activators
We have a team of Activators that help out at our weekly Give It A Go sports sessions. They get people involved and support the activities, all while enjoying the sports they love.
Get involved: We're always looking for enthusiastic activators to help with Give It A Go. Simply pop into AUBSU office and chat to our Sports Assistant, Joss, to become an activator!
Taking the time to do a little good for others can make a real difference. From conservation to community outreach there’s loads to get involved in so you can help whatever cause is close to your heart. Find out more about volunteering.
Get involved: There are loads of opportunities from local charities and not-for-profit organisations, as well as AUBSU-organised opportunities, on the 'browse opportunities' page of the Level Up module. Just browse through and see what catches your eye.
Green Team
Do you care about the planet? Through campaigns and activities run by the Green Team you can change attitudes and help make AUB a greener place.
Get involved: Keep an eye out for the next Green Team meeting or event, turn up and tell them you want in! Simple.
RAG Team
Our Raising & Giving Team lead on our charity fundraising at AUB. By coming up with fun ideas & planning events they raise loads of money for worthy causes.
Get involved: Our RAG Team meet regularly to plan charity fundraising events. Simply turn up to one of their meetings to find out how to get involved.
BUMF is our student-led multimedia plaform for AUB creatives to showcase their work. Want to get involved? You could be one of BUMF’s writers, photographers, curators or editorial staff.
Get involved: BUMF recruit for their core team at the start of the year but they're always looking for fresh blood to contribute. Get in touch with them by emailing You can submit your work to be featured online or in the BUMF gallery too.
Other Student Networks
Through other student networks like LGBT+ and Mature Students, you could lead on a campaign or work with the SU to put on an event. We're always looking for new ideas and ways to get students engaged so if you have a good idea then we want to help you make it happen!
Get involved: Just pop into the office for a chat if there's something that you're passionate about and want to organise something for. Help out with liberation campaigns (Black History Month, LGBT+ History Month & Pride, Women's History Month or Disability History Month), cultural events, awareness-raising campaigns, one-off events, student groups and more. We want to hear from you!
Level Up
Already involved in something? Or interested in community volunteering? Then start using our Level Up module to record all the stuff you're doing and browse volunteeering opportunities. See those tabs on the left? Just work through those to get yourself set up. If you can't see them then make sure you're logged in.
Start by creating a profile, where you can tailor your preferences and availability, and then start browsing the volunteering opportunities available. You can then log your hours (both union-related and community volunteering), review your skills and check out upcoming training courses.
Make sure you read our volunteer agreement so you know what is expected of you before you start. It all should be pretty straightforward to work through but we've made a handy guide to help you. Do contact us (either email or pop into the office) if you need a hand.