Welcome to AUB from your Sabbs




Hey! It’s the Student Union President (Gabrielle) and the President of Student Experience (Beth) here, wishing you a fabulous start to your time at AUB.

We just graduated, in July this year so we understand how you’re feeling right now, probably a mix of excited and nervous but we just want to say you are going to smash it! Here at the Student Union, our job is to ensure that your voice is heard and you are having an amazing time during your studies at AUB. We represent you in key decisions within the university and make sure you have lots of fun things to attend. We can offer you support and guidance whilst you’re here too, or just be a friendly face when you need one.

The other aspect of our job is to bring our manifestos to life which is what we were voted in on in March this year and we are excited to get to work on these. We are always open to your ideas and suggestions and we can’t wait to hear them! If you want to pop by and say hello, our office is opposite student services, or you are always welcome to message us on social media.

We can’t wait to meet you all!

- Your Sabbatical Officers 2024/2025