If you're interested in competing in sports then we can help!
AUBSU is a member of BUCS (British Universities and Colleges Sport), which pits students from hundreds of UK universities against each other in 52 different sports. Take a look at the team and individual opportunities listed below and get in touch with us if you're interested in competing.
We have several sports clubs at AUBSU, most of which compete in leagues and competitions (though they're also inclusive to students not wishing to compete.
To find out more, check their club pages and contact them for more info on where they compete.
British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS)
How do I participate in BUCS for AUB?
Firstly, you must let AUBSU know which event you want to enter as soon as possible. Either email us at studentunion@aub.ac.uk or pop in with your Student ID number and the details of the comp.
Secondly, create an account on BUCSPlay mobile app. Once logged on…
- Enter the sport community of the event you wish to compete.
- Click on the events tile.
- Select the particular event from the list.
- Find the relevant discipline.
- Click apply and enter.
- Once you’ve successfully applied, you will need to wait for AUBSU to approve your entry – so log into your BUCSPlay app regularly.
There is a problem with my app, who do I contact?
If you click on to the BUCSPlay SUPPORT tab on the bottom right hand corner, it will allow you to send a message directly to their “Zendesk” support.
I’ve entered, how do I get to the event and what about accommodation?
Congratulations, you’ll be representing AUB at your competition! If you’re a solo competitor and not already a member of an external club who are also competing, then you’ll need to organise your own travel and accommodation to the event. Unfortunately, we at SU don’t have extra funds to pay for your travel and/or accommodation, however, we may be able to reimburse your expenses. If we can, please hold tight of your receipts and come in to the office to check with us, but no promises – sorry!
Keep an eye on your emails and log in to your BUCSPlay app regularly.
There may be some info we will need from you up until the event, so it’s wise to keep checking your student email and log into your app for any updates.
Drop us an email at giveitago@aub.ac.uk if you are interested in any of the opportunities above, or if you want to find out more about what we can do for you at AUB.