Fab-you-ary 2021
Fab-you-ary is all about ideas of self-love, self-care and connectivity! During 'Fab-you-ary' RAG is raising money to support STARS Dorset, who offer free support to people living in Dorset that have experienced any form of sexual violence.
Monday 8th February 2021
Giveaway launch! Follow @aubsu_rag on Instagram.
Thursday 11th February 2021
Love Valentine's Day? Hate Valentine's Day? It doesn't really matter. We'll be doing a quiz to unite everyone in their ignorance. Sure, there will be some questions loosely linked to LOVE, but there will also be the general silliness and very questionable themed rounds you've come to expect from us.
Everyone is welcome. Quiz alone, quiz with your housemates, quiz with your cat. All we ask is that you buy a ticket so that we can fundraise some more money for STARS, a local charity who do amazing work supporting people who have experienced sexual violence. So buy you're £2 ticket! Why not buy one for your cat too? It's a great cause. Plus, for each ticket bought, we'll enter you into our Insta-Giveaway!
Quiz starts at 8pm on our Instagram: @aubsu and @aubsu_rag.
Friday 12th November 2021
Among Us Night 20:00 - 21:00
Can you work out who is a crewmate and who is an imposter? Join in this games night to meet some new people and chat while you play Among Us.
Tickets can be found here and all proceeds will be donated to Hope For Food.
Thursday 12th November 2021
Head over to @aubsu_rag for an Instagram Live at 18:00!
Join guest speaker @rougie_x as they discuss ideas around self-love and creative expression.
This Instagram Live will delve into the world of drag artistry and performance, including connecting with other creatives during a pandemic.
RAG are selling brownies for Dorset Mind!
What's the cause?
All profits from sales will go to Dorset Mind, who do amazing work supporting the mental health of Dorset's communities. So you can eat your brownies knowing you've done some good!

Want to get involved in a fun and exciting opportunity? Then LOST is the perfect event for you. Some of you may remember this RAG challenge from last year... and we are excited to announce that it will be making a comeback! Our RAG team are once again abandoning 30 of AUB's finest somewhere in the UK, all in the name of charity!
Yourself and your teammates will have to find your way back to Bournemouth without spending any money before any of the other teams do. The best part? You'll be taking part to raise funds for our chosen charity, Autism Wessex
"So, how can I get involved in this wild idea?" we hear you say.
"Well," we reply, "taking part is simple..."
1. Pick your team of three. Teams MUST be in three's for safety reasons.
2. Sign yourselves up by emailing studentevents@aub.ac.uk with the names of your 3 team mates and you'll receive instructions on how to sign up
3. Get fundraising! You'll need to raise a minimum of £100 for Autism Wessex in order to take part. They're a great cause, so raise as much as you can
4. Attend our training session. Attendance is compulsory, because we need to make sure you all know what you're doing before we leave you in the middle of nowhere (We will advertise this later don't panic!)
5. Jump on board our LOST coach on Saturday 2nd May, and let the fun begin!
Make sure to get organised and enter as soon as you can - we'll only be releasing 30 spaces, and once they're gone they're gone!
Further details to follow!

Allergen and Ingredient List